Security and virus 3

Well, here it is. Summer is over and our government's long-awaited second wave of COVID is here. And yet ... Completely ahead of Europe, and on some days even trying to stand out in the middle of the world, the problem is that we have a smaller population. But ... Is that a surprise? No, not at all, because strange as it may be, it was all predictable.
There will be no conspiracy theory here, although the whole situation requires it. There will be a simple analysis based on talks with industry experts, and a simple twist of the logical chain that will ignite the fifth point for many, both those who support the conspiracy, those who blindly stare at the mouths of the health minister and prime minister, and trolls who don't care. Happens - the main thing is self-assurance. So, in reality, some 15% would understand this article, but in reality some 3% would be able to do it, because there is a parallel misfortune - you have to be able to read it.
Since the "second wave" is here, it is worth thinking - why? Why did it come when we were so healthy in the spring and practically super healthy in the summer. It seemed that the virus was going through a bend in Latvia, and those individual cases are more of an exception to the norm than a regularity there. But see no. "The second wave" is here, and with a terrible wind. For those who respect the conspiracy, I recommend looking in the direction of France, because the "leap" began immediately after Macron's visit. It is possible that Mr Macron embarrassed our Mr Levits and Mr Karins, says "Well, how do you jump out of the EU picture here?". But perhaps, everything is much simpler - in fact, our government has no understanding of what is happening, there is no real action plan, as a result of which every Friday you look in the direction of Old Europe - what they have invented a new one there, and here we will implement it. Although looking at it all from the sidelines, the question arises - '' Why try to limit the healthy, but do absolutely nothing with the infected?
No one can answer this question. Or do not want to. In Latvia, as in the rest of the "progressive world", except for some Scandinavian countries (about which even the media is silent, unlike in the spring), every person who has not already been proven to have an infection is potentially ill. And judging by the common opinion of our MoH and Cabinet of Ministers, it is only a matter of time before everyone will be infected. And with that, we are starting to introduce restrictions on the lives of healthy people. Yes, it all sounds absurd, but still ...
As if by logic, the freedom of infected persons should be restricted, which would prevent the virus from spreading further. But no, for us the other way around - the infected can do what they want, but the healthy - limited. Back in the Middle Ages, when infections such as plague, smallpox, etc. broke out, people knew that they restricted infected areas so that the infection could not spread further. Of course, it happened barbarically, without respect for human rights, etc., although ... As if to do so now.
About 1.85 million people live in Latvia. Some of them are abroad. The number of patients is less than three thousand. So only about 0.15% are infected, half of whom have recovered. Yes, there are forty dead, but if you look at the age range and the set of chronic diseases, then no matter how cynical, COVIDs only made a point. It would be just as good to replace COVIDa with this season's flu, which, by the way, makes more people sick and die than COVIDa. Although there is something to suggest that this year's statistics will be different and the "leader" will be COVID. The question is: is it really easier to limit 99.85% of the population, or 0.15%? Our government believes that it is easier to limit the former, and as a result, "security measures" are discussed every Friday. Masks - currently mandatory in public transport, although a month and a half ago Perevoščikov said that it was unrealistic to get infected in public transport. And there is truth when limiting the sick rather than the healthy. But no - our government believes the opposite. Protecting masks from infection, although Dumpis said in the spring that masks are only needed for the sick, because they do not protect healthy people. But no - our government believes the opposite. And here's the question - why? Why restrict the healthy rather than the sick? Someone will say that it is difficult to control the sick? Nonsense, and this is evidenced by administrative cases of self-isolation violations. If they were up to a couple of dozen, then I would agree that the sick cannot be limited. But there are hundreds - so can you. In as many as 88% of cases, the DPCC is able to trace the chain of infection - so it is possible to control the sick and it does not make sense to control the healthy. In addition, Article 133.1 of the Criminal Law has not disappeared anywhere. Infection with a dangerous infectious agent, but this article does not hurry to apply. But if, the Government announced on Friday that anyone who infects another person will be prosecuted not only administratively, but also criminally - no one infected will appear in the community, not even nearby, and every shot will be tested at the point of analysis. But ... Again, "BUT" ... The criminal law will not bring money into the state budget ... On the contrary - spend it. And a new prison in Liepaja has not yet been built. Of course, in our "big" country, some more measures should be taken to limit the sick. During the "fat" years, sports complexes and gyms were built all over the country, which are half-empty or even empty, especially in these pandemic conditions. According to the principles of civil protection, if such an institution actually existed in Latvia, self-isolation and quarantine complexes should be established in these sports complexes, where all those who have come to Latvia spend their ten days under medical supervision or have been identified by the DPCC as contact persons. Those who are actually ill are taken to hospitals or special quarantine centers. And please - society is free, the economy is working, the infected are isolated, the healthy are happy. However, no - everything has to be moved from "sick head to whole" - let's restrict freedoms, and then let those baits boil in their own juice ... About so. And we spend millions on mystical promotions, purchases, "events". And in order not to run out of money, it seems that the ministers have been given a task - "find how to supplement the budget", as a result of which idiocy arises with some "old car registration" taxes, another unconstitutional changed and illogical "Car Exploitation Tax". , etc.
One could of course write on this topic over and over again. The inability of power is obvious, and all these restrictions do not help, but on the contrary. It is detrimental, because everything that is illogical and directed against society cannot produce a good result. Unfortunately, the stagnant government and the Saeima, which have as many populist and pathos calls as individual "copies", are unable to establish order and organize a normal struggle. A power for which society, the people of the country, is solely a financial instrument to supplement the budget and a source of pre-election votes cannot create a secure and legitimate state.
Therefore, the question is relevant - why are the healthy, not the sick, restricted?
Thanks to everyone who read. Thank you for your comments and discussions, which are quite fruitful. Well, thank you very much to the supporters. It is you who help create new articles.
Security and virus 2

Continuing with the ongoing topic, let's look at the causes.
No, not where the virus came from, how it spread, and who is to blame. These conspiracy theories are supported by others. This time about our own land and its security.
As is known, the virus was already known at the very end of 2019. Later, the virus began to be talked about in Iran and Italy. After all, at that point we had to sound the alarm, but ... We weren't concerned and nothing was done.
And then ... February. Iran citizen is using AirBaltic to fly from Italy to Riga to travel to Estonia. Iran citizen on the plane is close with our compatriots who had a real chance of getting infected. Then, with this Iranian, there are many people on the bus who also have every chance of getting infected. Of course, judging by everything - lucky. But ... What does it show? This shows that our government and other responsible bodies are absolutely unprepared for crisis situations.
March 12, 2020 Finally, the Crisis Commission is convened and a state of emergency is declared. At the same time, more and more people are coming from affected countries. Riga airport is used by both Lithuanians and Estonians. The only security measures at the airport are some stands with hand sanitizer. And all. The test on COVID-19 is only for entry, for others it is huge money. In this way, the government once again demonstrates its absolute incomprehension and the fact that neither the government nor its services are prepared for crisis situations. Instead, everyone is told that the tests and health tests at the airport make no sense because the incubation period is 14 days. One silly question right away - does the Ministry of Health really think that it is only transport that can be infected, and that those who arrive cannot be infected the day before, weekly, etc.?
March 15, 2020 Lithuania and Estonia declare emergency measures and close their borders. March 16, 2020 - Latvia makes changes to the state of emergency by imposing additional restrictions and finally at least verbally acknowledging that the crisis is real. The Ministry of Transport of Latvia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are launching repatriation flights by air and sea. Finally at the airport and so on, health checkpoints appear. Although on March 16, when the largest number of people return at the same time, no additional security measures (information from the arrivals themselves) have been made at the airport.
National security in a crisis situation is limited to asking for 'self-isolation'. At the same time, "self-isolation" and adherence to quarantine rules only start to be effectively monitored after 16 March. At the same time, these requests are completely ignored by the modern generation in their low education, and as a result we see the first cases of self-infection (self-infection - contacting a person who has introduced the virus from outside). We read about a number of cases where people openly disregard the requirements of self-isolation. The police can only effectively monitor cases reported by peers.
All this shows that national security is only on paper. The country has no concept or plan to deal with any crisis. This is also indicated by the scarcity of funds and materials in both the services and the state material reserves, although the annual budgets provide for amounts of money of material reserves in the sectoral budgets.
Whether security has been achieved for the moment. Both yes and no. Yes, because what was supposed to be done in early February is finally done. No, it is clear from listening to ministerial press conferences and announcements that they lack both confidence and a definitive understanding of what is happening, and decisions are usually made by a day to a week.
It is to be hoped that, while there is great doubt, going through this crisis, the government will be able to understand its mistakes and start thinking about national security realistically, looking to the future rather than catching the hot in the present.
And more ... Thank you very much to those conscientious people who honestly and conscientiously follow the rules of self-isolation and quarantine.
Thanks to everyone who read. Thank you for your comments and discussions, which are quite fruitful. Well, thank you very much to the supporters. It is you who help create new articles.
Virus and security.

At the end of last year, certain security authorities in Latvia began talking openly about national security. As a result, three basic positions emerged - one that the state was safe, the other that it was not safe, and the third that the Allies would save us. And today the virus has arrived in Latvia. There is no odor from national security. In recent days, the spread of the virus has become geometric. And it is suspected that this is just the beginning, and next week we will 'reach' the true extent when those who have traveled to the last will crystallize and ignore all warnings.
In fact, entertainment has been in vogue for our people since ancient times - '' this will not happen to me ''. And as experience has shown, it is with those who are most entertained that it happens to them. A plus for everything is the level of 'awareness'. I have mentioned on several occasions that of all those infected with COVID-19 in our country, 49% are themselves guilty, 50% are the result of this first "awareness" and only 1% are really accidentally infected.
Well, back to national security. If one looks at all this from another prism, then this moment can be compared to a peculiar "bacteriological war". If one does not know, it is a peculiar way of conducting modern war. However, this time we will not discuss possible conspiracy theories, but rather look at how safe it is in general and how the government reacts.
So, at the end of December 2019, the first signals came from China about the virus. Europe still lived without grief. At the end of January 2020, news emerged that the virus had "emerged" in Italy and was spreading quite quickly. Then Iran, and '' went to sea ''. The arrival of the virus in Latvia was only a matter of a short time, but the aforementioned entertainment took precedence as always. Neither the government nor the security authorities did anything.
March 2020 - the first infected in Latvia. The Ministry of Health (MSM) is starting to '' share '' the recommendations but is not really doing anything. The government and the Saeima are busy with the failed regional reform. The number of people infected is increasing. Responsible institutions - zero. And only when the number of infected reaches 25 and more, when the neighboring republics take radical steps, only our government "wakes up". And what do we conclude? The fact that the national virus outbreak is not actually ready. Including medical institutions. And now the March half, and 60. infected. Now the government and the Saeima are thinking about how to limit the virus, what steps to take. Isn't it a little late?
A few days ago, I was shown an instruction from a medical institution on how to dress and how to take off special clothing. The perfect nightmare. It would be my saying - I would ban the man who created such an extravaganza from medicine so far that he would never even think of it. At the same time, civil protection in Latvia is once again under the critical level, even if such instructions are nowhere to be found, and must be "invented" by absolute amateurs. It should be noted that by following this instruction, the person is infected at least 90 times until the person removes the special clothing. And it is a sign of national security.
When the neighboring republics closed their borders, so did our powers - tell us to shut down. Question - what if neighbors have already done this? A tick? And it also shows the competence of the authorities in security matters. By the time many European countries were closing their borders, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs was "waking up" and was starting to organize evacuation and repatriation transport and "corridors", resulting in a very large number of nationals returning from the affected countries to Latvia. And at airports, ports, etc., no sanitary standards. As I was told by people returning from the Netherlands, there is a surface disinfection every fifteen minutes at the airport. At the same time, there are some stands at the Riga airport with hand sanitizers and everything. SAFETY...
Does government action ensure national security? Definitely not. Even at an extraordinary session of the Saeima, deputies are discussing what to do when the virus is defeated and how to build the economy. But not a word on what measures to take to limit possible further infection.
However, at present, compared to other countries, the number of people infected in Latvia is not so high. Was there a way to reduce that too? Yes it was. Did the government take any steps to do this? No did not accept. All the government did was declare a state of emergency with indeterminate and incomprehensible measures and ask people to self-isolate, although by now it was clear that only a dozen percent of truly conscientious people were self-isolating, while others were not even shy by not respecting such '' self-isolation ''. And no one controls it virtually.
The government has allegedly "handed out" one billion euros to fight the virus and its aftermath. I think it was possible to rent such amount as Arena Riga, Skonto Hall, Kipsala Exhibition Hall, and to create quarantine areas where buses can be used to bring everyone from the affected countries. Fourteen days of quarantine - no virus - please go home, detect the virus - away to the hospital. Everything. Fast and cheap and all in one place. What's going on now? Virus almost all over the country. Self-isolation and self-esteem for only a small percentage of everyone .... After reading this, there will be those who will start whining about the principles of democracy, human freedoms, etc. But maybe it is worth reading Article 116 of our Constitution before that? Especially for those who went on their travels in early March, when the spread of the virus was already widespread and clear.
One could point to faults and omissions again and again, but then a whole book would arrive.
We are responsible to ourselves and to others. However, it is for some reason that there are those who have second-rate entertainment above all else - '' I have to spit on others ... ''. And the power seems to support them because they are doing nothing.
As someone close to me said, '' this virus will not destroy civilization, but change minds, destroy the economy ... '' And these are the true words.
Let's hope that our minds change quickly and that we easily overcome this adversity.
Let us hope that the minds also change for those directly responsible for national security.
And most importantly, let us be conscientious.
Thank you to everyone who reads, and special thanks to those who support me.
Guerrilla warfare.

Recently, the press announced that the Latvian people would be taught the art of guerrilla warfare. That the Latvian people would be able to independently resist the aggressor as a result of military aggression. The first methodical instructions will appear sometime around autumn.
The plan is quite interesting. One could even say welcome. For a small country like Latvia, the universal defense model is very useful, when in the event of aggression every citizen of that country is able to defend their country, their homeland without special mobilization. Like in Israel.
However, there is one key word throughout this epic - '' will teach ''. And this is where the questions begin. The first is who will be the pastor? For in order to teach, the “teacher” must know the subject to be taught. One could teach someone who has gone through such a war himself, but unfortunately for such "teachers" today around ninety. Those younger can only be theorists.
What, then, is guerrilla?
Guerrilla - a man who participates in the armed struggle behind the enemy during the war or under the occupation regime. In Latvia, partisans were also called forest brothers.
That's all it is. Just ... to fight behind the enemy, and even in the occupied territory, simple training alone is not enough. The guerrilla warfare combines general military operations with special operations, diversions, sabotage, propaganda ... It is not enough to teach how to handle a weapon. There are many, many other factors that cannot be taught.
We are modeling the situation. An aggressor is invading the country. Using the surprise effect, it manages to occupy parts of the country. Somewhere in the middle, its progression slows down, or stops but temporarily. The aggressor is opposed by the army, the National Guard, NATO forces stationed in the country. From the still free territory, all capable and so-called reservists are mobilized. And here everything is clear. But what is happening in the occupied territory? The aggressor certainly does not sit on his lap. The first thing it will do is try to eliminate everyone who can organize resistance as well as those who can create resistance individually. The next step is everyone who supports the resistance movement. And as a rule, these aggressor actions are usually quick and cruel. And in order to be able to resist all of this, there must be a swift, timely and organized response. So how will this "guerrilla war" go?
Guerrilla wars have been a part of all wars. But for the first time in the war of 1812, the partisans started talking loudly. Later, such a struggle became an integral strategic solution. Our MoD has come to this solution as well. The largest guerrilla warfare is linked to the Second World War, with all warring parties. However, for the guerrilla war to be successful, it is not enough to be willing, to teach theory. For the guerrilla warfare to be successful and long-term, its foundations must be built in peacetime.
First of all, there must be a person in each area who will be able to quickly assemble a combat unit around himself in x-hour. It even has to be worked up communication channels, because it should be taken into account that general communication channels - telephone, mobile communications, the Internet may not work. The unit displayed must have weapons. Some will initially be replaced by hunters, but it must be understood that hunters' weapons against modern warfare weapons are out of competition. It is clear, therefore, that weapons, ammunition, explosives, and ammunition depots must still be in place in peacetime, and that they must be located in places known only to individuals, and are difficult to access but easy to acquire when needed. Similarly, these stores must store a certain amount of dry food, which usually has very long shelf life. Possible accommodation and temporary accommodation must be prepared.
Here's a brief overview of what MoD should do. But guerrilla warfare tactics will be learned by everyone because, unlike regular military forces, guerrilla warfare tactics are IMPROVIZATION. It cannot be framed or regulated. There are a whole host of different nuances that could be described long and neatly, but not here.
Let's see what the methodology will be for the MoD in the fall, and how this exercise will take place. Perhaps then there will be a more specific topic to look at in more detail.
This time everything. Thank you to my supporters. Your support is invaluable, but it is clear to me that you are interested in these topics.
Introductory article.

In the light of recent events, I decided to start a new heading - '' Security ''.
Security - The definition in Latvian is rather smal:
1. Situation, a situation without danger. To be, to be safe. Public security. Do something for security; 2. Collateral; guarantee - Security deposit. ''.
In fact, "security" is a very broad concept that affects each of our individual lives, whether in public life or in the state, planet, etc. safe existence.
And for each of us, this security depends in some way. Another definition states that '' security is the opposite of a threat ''. So, in order to feel safe, to be sure, you first need to eliminate the danger. Unfortunately, eliminating the threat is not always possible. But in any case, the threat can be controlled, limited, analyzed. And by going from that information, you can minimize it or eliminate it.
We are taught from childhood to resist various threats. We understand some of them based on our experience, trial and error. But there is security that is provided to us by some different institutions. Some do it through legislation, others do it through practice.
So, we can talk about: personal safety, collective safety, fire safety, traffic safety, social security, military security, public safety, aviation security, water safety, ecological safety, occupational safety, economic security, financial security, etc., etc.
As you can see, all life is about security.
This section will outline the different security principles and ideas around them.
At a time when agronomists can "advise" the Minister of Defense, when ministerial positions are held by "super-ministers," who are centered in all areas, where people can be nominated by party and personal acquaintance on state works councils and boards, for others, I believe that I too have the right to post my views and knowledge. How useful will it be to others? Let everyone decide for themselves. First, one must read, second, go deeper and understand. And it is these two qualities that are very limited. And if anyone doesn't know, reading ignorance (or simply laziness to read), a reluctance to think, to go deeper and to understand - this is also a security risk. In addition, it is extremely large because the least educated, lazy, and thoughtless individuals are the most vulnerable to threat and can be used to destroy security.
I hope the rubric is interesting. I hope it will lead to a fruitful debate, not just - '' you murmur there ... '' without even being able to justify what is considered a mighty thought.
Well and in this section, a big thank you goes to those who supportme, because it depends on how often and how many articles will appear in this section.