Virus and security.

At the end of last year, certain security authorities in Latvia began talking openly about national security. As a result, three basic positions emerged - one that the state was safe, the other that it was not safe, and the third that the Allies would save us. And today the virus has arrived in Latvia. There is no odor from national security. In recent days, the spread of the virus has become geometric. And it is suspected that this is just the beginning, and next week we will 'reach' the true extent when those who have traveled to the last will crystallize and ignore all warnings.
In fact, entertainment has been in vogue for our people since ancient times - '' this will not happen to me ''. And as experience has shown, it is with those who are most entertained that it happens to them. A plus for everything is the level of 'awareness'. I have mentioned on several occasions that of all those infected with COVID-19 in our country, 49% are themselves guilty, 50% are the result of this first "awareness" and only 1% are really accidentally infected.
Well, back to national security. If one looks at all this from another prism, then this moment can be compared to a peculiar "bacteriological war". If one does not know, it is a peculiar way of conducting modern war. However, this time we will not discuss possible conspiracy theories, but rather look at how safe it is in general and how the government reacts.
So, at the end of December 2019, the first signals came from China about the virus. Europe still lived without grief. At the end of January 2020, news emerged that the virus had "emerged" in Italy and was spreading quite quickly. Then Iran, and '' went to sea ''. The arrival of the virus in Latvia was only a matter of a short time, but the aforementioned entertainment took precedence as always. Neither the government nor the security authorities did anything.
March 2020 - the first infected in Latvia. The Ministry of Health (MSM) is starting to '' share '' the recommendations but is not really doing anything. The government and the Saeima are busy with the failed regional reform. The number of people infected is increasing. Responsible institutions - zero. And only when the number of infected reaches 25 and more, when the neighboring republics take radical steps, only our government "wakes up". And what do we conclude? The fact that the national virus outbreak is not actually ready. Including medical institutions. And now the March half, and 60. infected. Now the government and the Saeima are thinking about how to limit the virus, what steps to take. Isn't it a little late?
A few days ago, I was shown an instruction from a medical institution on how to dress and how to take off special clothing. The perfect nightmare. It would be my saying - I would ban the man who created such an extravaganza from medicine so far that he would never even think of it. At the same time, civil protection in Latvia is once again under the critical level, even if such instructions are nowhere to be found, and must be "invented" by absolute amateurs. It should be noted that by following this instruction, the person is infected at least 90 times until the person removes the special clothing. And it is a sign of national security.
When the neighboring republics closed their borders, so did our powers - tell us to shut down. Question - what if neighbors have already done this? A tick? And it also shows the competence of the authorities in security matters. By the time many European countries were closing their borders, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs was "waking up" and was starting to organize evacuation and repatriation transport and "corridors", resulting in a very large number of nationals returning from the affected countries to Latvia. And at airports, ports, etc., no sanitary standards. As I was told by people returning from the Netherlands, there is a surface disinfection every fifteen minutes at the airport. At the same time, there are some stands at the Riga airport with hand sanitizers and everything. SAFETY...
Does government action ensure national security? Definitely not. Even at an extraordinary session of the Saeima, deputies are discussing what to do when the virus is defeated and how to build the economy. But not a word on what measures to take to limit possible further infection.
However, at present, compared to other countries, the number of people infected in Latvia is not so high. Was there a way to reduce that too? Yes it was. Did the government take any steps to do this? No did not accept. All the government did was declare a state of emergency with indeterminate and incomprehensible measures and ask people to self-isolate, although by now it was clear that only a dozen percent of truly conscientious people were self-isolating, while others were not even shy by not respecting such '' self-isolation ''. And no one controls it virtually.
The government has allegedly "handed out" one billion euros to fight the virus and its aftermath. I think it was possible to rent such amount as Arena Riga, Skonto Hall, Kipsala Exhibition Hall, and to create quarantine areas where buses can be used to bring everyone from the affected countries. Fourteen days of quarantine - no virus - please go home, detect the virus - away to the hospital. Everything. Fast and cheap and all in one place. What's going on now? Virus almost all over the country. Self-isolation and self-esteem for only a small percentage of everyone .... After reading this, there will be those who will start whining about the principles of democracy, human freedoms, etc. But maybe it is worth reading Article 116 of our Constitution before that? Especially for those who went on their travels in early March, when the spread of the virus was already widespread and clear.
One could point to faults and omissions again and again, but then a whole book would arrive.
We are responsible to ourselves and to others. However, it is for some reason that there are those who have second-rate entertainment above all else - '' I have to spit on others ... ''. And the power seems to support them because they are doing nothing.
As someone close to me said, '' this virus will not destroy civilization, but change minds, destroy the economy ... '' And these are the true words.
Let's hope that our minds change quickly and that we easily overcome this adversity.
Let us hope that the minds also change for those directly responsible for national security.
And most importantly, let us be conscientious.
Thank you to everyone who reads, and special thanks to those who support me.