Introductory article.

In the light of recent events, I decided to start a new heading - '' Security ''.
Security - The definition in Latvian is rather smal:
1. Situation, a situation without danger. To be, to be safe. Public security. Do something for security; 2. Collateral; guarantee - Security deposit. ''.
In fact, "security" is a very broad concept that affects each of our individual lives, whether in public life or in the state, planet, etc. safe existence.
And for each of us, this security depends in some way. Another definition states that '' security is the opposite of a threat ''. So, in order to feel safe, to be sure, you first need to eliminate the danger. Unfortunately, eliminating the threat is not always possible. But in any case, the threat can be controlled, limited, analyzed. And by going from that information, you can minimize it or eliminate it.
We are taught from childhood to resist various threats. We understand some of them based on our experience, trial and error. But there is security that is provided to us by some different institutions. Some do it through legislation, others do it through practice.
So, we can talk about: personal safety, collective safety, fire safety, traffic safety, social security, military security, public safety, aviation security, water safety, ecological safety, occupational safety, economic security, financial security, etc., etc.
As you can see, all life is about security.
This section will outline the different security principles and ideas around them.
At a time when agronomists can "advise" the Minister of Defense, when ministerial positions are held by "super-ministers," who are centered in all areas, where people can be nominated by party and personal acquaintance on state works councils and boards, for others, I believe that I too have the right to post my views and knowledge. How useful will it be to others? Let everyone decide for themselves. First, one must read, second, go deeper and understand. And it is these two qualities that are very limited. And if anyone doesn't know, reading ignorance (or simply laziness to read), a reluctance to think, to go deeper and to understand - this is also a security risk. In addition, it is extremely large because the least educated, lazy, and thoughtless individuals are the most vulnerable to threat and can be used to destroy security.
I hope the rubric is interesting. I hope it will lead to a fruitful debate, not just - '' you murmur there ... '' without even being able to justify what is considered a mighty thought.
Well and in this section, a big thank you goes to those who supportme, because it depends on how often and how many articles will appear in this section.