Guerrilla warfare.

Recently, the press announced that the Latvian people would be taught the art of guerrilla warfare. That the Latvian people would be able to independently resist the aggressor as a result of military aggression. The first methodical instructions will appear sometime around autumn.
The plan is quite interesting. One could even say welcome. For a small country like Latvia, the universal defense model is very useful, when in the event of aggression every citizen of that country is able to defend their country, their homeland without special mobilization. Like in Israel.
However, there is one key word throughout this epic - '' will teach ''. And this is where the questions begin. The first is who will be the pastor? For in order to teach, the “teacher” must know the subject to be taught. One could teach someone who has gone through such a war himself, but unfortunately for such "teachers" today around ninety. Those younger can only be theorists.
What, then, is guerrilla?
Guerrilla - a man who participates in the armed struggle behind the enemy during the war or under the occupation regime. In Latvia, partisans were also called forest brothers.
That's all it is. Just ... to fight behind the enemy, and even in the occupied territory, simple training alone is not enough. The guerrilla warfare combines general military operations with special operations, diversions, sabotage, propaganda ... It is not enough to teach how to handle a weapon. There are many, many other factors that cannot be taught.
We are modeling the situation. An aggressor is invading the country. Using the surprise effect, it manages to occupy parts of the country. Somewhere in the middle, its progression slows down, or stops but temporarily. The aggressor is opposed by the army, the National Guard, NATO forces stationed in the country. From the still free territory, all capable and so-called reservists are mobilized. And here everything is clear. But what is happening in the occupied territory? The aggressor certainly does not sit on his lap. The first thing it will do is try to eliminate everyone who can organize resistance as well as those who can create resistance individually. The next step is everyone who supports the resistance movement. And as a rule, these aggressor actions are usually quick and cruel. And in order to be able to resist all of this, there must be a swift, timely and organized response. So how will this "guerrilla war" go?
Guerrilla wars have been a part of all wars. But for the first time in the war of 1812, the partisans started talking loudly. Later, such a struggle became an integral strategic solution. Our MoD has come to this solution as well. The largest guerrilla warfare is linked to the Second World War, with all warring parties. However, for the guerrilla war to be successful, it is not enough to be willing, to teach theory. For the guerrilla warfare to be successful and long-term, its foundations must be built in peacetime.
First of all, there must be a person in each area who will be able to quickly assemble a combat unit around himself in x-hour. It even has to be worked up communication channels, because it should be taken into account that general communication channels - telephone, mobile communications, the Internet may not work. The unit displayed must have weapons. Some will initially be replaced by hunters, but it must be understood that hunters' weapons against modern warfare weapons are out of competition. It is clear, therefore, that weapons, ammunition, explosives, and ammunition depots must still be in place in peacetime, and that they must be located in places known only to individuals, and are difficult to access but easy to acquire when needed. Similarly, these stores must store a certain amount of dry food, which usually has very long shelf life. Possible accommodation and temporary accommodation must be prepared.
Here's a brief overview of what MoD should do. But guerrilla warfare tactics will be learned by everyone because, unlike regular military forces, guerrilla warfare tactics are IMPROVIZATION. It cannot be framed or regulated. There are a whole host of different nuances that could be described long and neatly, but not here.
Let's see what the methodology will be for the MoD in the fall, and how this exercise will take place. Perhaps then there will be a more specific topic to look at in more detail.
This time everything. Thank you to my supporters. Your support is invaluable, but it is clear to me that you are interested in these topics.