LORD ...

I intentionally took the title of this article the same as L.Inkin's article. In a way, this article is a kind of answer. I have known Leonard for a long time, and I know his peculiar opinion. We have had discussions with him, and I know how difficult it is at times to convince him of another. And this is one of those times when I would disagree with his setting again. Yes, yes, just for the setting, because it's hard to call it an opinion. L.Inkin's article can be read here.
And so. In his article, Leonards divides practically everyone into lord and servants. He also has his own interpretation in this article, which is the Lord. And to make it easier for the reader, in his article he compares our life with a game hall or a "winner" - whichever is more pleasant. The setting for this article is one - you don't have to be a Lord, and you don't need someone to peck at your table. But ... then what should you have as a result?
As for myself, I am not ashamed to emphasize that I am a lord. And not because I don't count my money, as Alvils Bērziņš treated it. And not because I would tell someone how to live. I simply have my own interpretation of the term 'Lord'. And in my interpretation, the lord is not the one who discards something to the poor, or who concentrates power in his hands, money. Lord, that is respect. Respect for yourself and others.
At one time, I had an interesting discussion about a picture on social networks. The picture showed Rockefeller and Rothschild, but below it was the signature - "they own your money". I replied that my money did not belong to them, to which I received a whole bunch of accusations and reprimands that I was arrogant that I did not understand anything about life, personal insults, and so on. And you know, all those who attacked me are those described in Leonard's article. These are people who, above all, have stopped respecting themselves, those who absolutely need Lord to blame in all their absence. These are the people whose main thing is to find excuses. And these excuses are for their inaction, their laziness.
Even before the proclamation of Latvia as a free state, when the abolition of sojourn was abolished, when a Latvian could become the owner of his land, there was already a speech by the lord. This address referred to hardworking and purposeful owners. The address was later used by the Mr (lord) as a tribute. Even the unemployed and the poor were called lords. Because, sir, that is respect. It is the Lord who is able to rule over His world, to be accountable for His works, not to be ashamed and to admit one's mistakes, to build one's prosperity.
At the same time, Latvians have been inspired since the 12th and 13th centuries that the Lord is something superior, something that can rule over others. And so it has come to pass that there are three kinds of people in our society - villains, lords and servants. I have already written about lords in my own sense and beyond. Servants, on the other hand, are those who regard the wicked as lords and who declare that "lords are those who allow a servant to peck at his table." Such a situation is very well described by J. Janševskis in his novel "People of Mežvidus", where the society of that time necessarily needed a "lord", who is the holder of power, and before whom to bow, and at the same time his own Ziemelis and Irbe, who had largely gathered and created a free society - they were considered nothing as soon as an expelled German baron appeared on the horizon.
But instead we seek excuses, trying to find the wicked to be called lord, to put ourselves back in the position of a servant. Just as the Bible teaches - be humble, honor your Lord ... It is taught by the Bible, which was imposed on us by the newcomers who declared themselves Lords, the Lord's appointed ones ... Not of God, nor of the Creator, but of the Lord ... And following this "lesson", no wonder. No need to think about the refrigerator, as Leonards says. For the Lord said, "He that hath, to him shall be given; and he that hath not, from him shall be taken ..."
But I am a lord. I am because I respect myself and I respect others. I do not rank anyone as a servant, but I respect everyone as lord until everyone says they are servants. I do not call the wicked lord because I do not respect them. I am not trying to find excuses, I am trying to improve and solve them. I am not afraid that life is bad - I make it good for myself, and only I am guilty if I somehow do not have or lack it.
And I want everyone to be lord. Lord, not villains.
Regular political review.

Well? The budget has been adopted, the public holiday is celebrated, or, to put it right, the ongoing routine continues. So what makes this routine?
Songs of praise for the '' greatest '' and '' most successful '' budget have been sung. For being so "fortunate" to be thanked and to contend with the prime minister and the coalition, but for adopting the budget, it was possible to disobey their own laws - to be mowed and stoned by "anti-state" forces and "lie champions". . Looking at all this theater from the sidelines, it has to be concluded that nothing has changed much in the last twenty years, apart from the terms "anti-state forces" and "champions of lies". Everything else is constant. Money is always more than expected, but it is not enough for everyone. Of course, no "state power" and the prime minister does not say what she is enough to say, because by saying that "it is not enough for everyone", it is logical to understand that there is still someone who is. And whoever it is, doesn't say it publicly. As a result, people come to their own logical conclusion, and the distribution of what their money is enough and not enough. And the blame is on communication that our 'mighty' haven't learned in the 28 years, despite all the Oxford and Cambridge diplomas, education in the US, and so on. '' developed '' countries. One has to begin to doubt whether their "education" is better than that of Mazmiesti Elementary School, since their graduate Jesup is able to explain his views and thoughts in five words so that there is no additional question that cannot be said about our educated ministers and deputies.
Now and with the lack of communication, another collection of signatures on the dissolution of the Saeima has begun. So to say, the second act of a theatrical performance. This is, of course, done by "anti-state" forces, because the state is vigilant and perhaps the doughs cannot do anything else. However, democracy is and remains a democracy only in terms of '' state '' forces. In addition, this understanding of who is then "state" and who is "anti-state" depends on the status of belonging. If you are in the position of parliament and government, you are a "state" force, but if you are in opposition then it is logical that you are "anti-state". And so it has been for 28 years, though terms have only appeared in the last year. And it doesn't matter that this status can change for each individual party - the key is where you are right now. And so, as already mentioned - all good, white - "state", while the bad, black - "anti-state". There is only one big problem - there is no room for citizens in this sign. Well yes, you could already say that you are on the side you voted for, however .... However, as it turns out, you can be very black even though you voted "white".
Well and so the "gray" collect signatures. Of course, none of the initiators can explain why it is needed and what will change from it. Because there are as many political parties as they are, and when this Saeima is dissolved, nothing else is to be expected in the simple and elementary - Nothing Else. Because those few Satalite parties that are now overboard are the same as they are now. OK, of course there are "sharp minds" who are trying to rock their political careers on this wave. But if you look at what they are, you want to say thank you right away, then better with the existing ones. And secondly, there is no guarantee that even if theoretically these will come to power, something will change ... I think nothing will change, at least for the better. And the real precedent was 2011, Order No. 2 by W. Zatlers. And? What changed from that? In essence, the newly formed party of V. Zatlers gained one-fifth of the votes of the whole Saeima - in theory. In practice, as we know, the six deportees, some of whom were tear-dropping and holding hands at the heart and in some other place in the Saeima grandstand, threw all the voters without blame. And after the Reform Party collapses, where do we see these footage? Vienotiba, Saskana and ZZS ... Some of them have already earned the title of meritorious political walker. Consequently, the question is repeated - what will change if this Saeima is dismissed. I can answer that question. And that's the difference from everyone who initiates and supports the collection of these signatures. My answer is - the number of the parliamentary term is changing. AND ALL...
Of course, I agree with the need to change this whole social-communist system, where all parties are copy-paste, where the core and the core are derived from the Kom Party. Because back in 1992, as we were teaching, we were creating parties and writing a law on parties. It was not for nothing that Unity even held the position of Secretary-General. However, in order to break this system, signatures have to be collected not on the dissolution of the Saeima, but on changes to the Election Law. And not 10,000 signatures to submit to the Saeima an initiative that it will reject before the first reading, ticking off another democracy check in its account, but immediately collect those 155,000 signatures to have a referendum on changes to this law and the Constitution. And then, with a positive outcome, a miracle will happen - even all "anti-state" forces will instantly become white and state. There will be no more enforceable Laws, full sector and ministry audits, and money, if that's not enough for everyone, will definitely list all those who have enough. In addition, it will be the "state" who will be the last to claim this money. For the sake of preserving their seat in the Saeima.
That is why I am currently looking for like-minded people to help set up, present and deliver such an initiative. Unfortunately, the responses are almost non-existent. For the time being. But I hope common sense prevails. Oh yes, reckon that for a while you will become a "anti-state" force ....
Could Latvia have resisted Russia in 1940 or did K.Ulmanis betray Latvia?

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Ribbentrop and Molotov Pacts. As a result, Poland, the Baltics, part of Finland lost their independence. Did the then President Karlis Ulmanis betray Latvia?
I like when Latvia in 1940 is compared to Finland. You see, the Finns resisted, but Latvia did not, and K.Ulmanis is to blame. To be honest - I thought so too. But as an educated person, someone who also has military education, I studied this issue more closely, and also in the context of Estonia - Finland, Lithuania - Finland at that time.
And here are what conclusions I came to briefly.
If Latvia was cowardly [let's say it], then the cowardly Estonians, who had the support of the Finns, were Lithuanians, who did not even do anything. Yes, Latvia was economically developed at the time. But military? 30000. '' big '' army. Armored cars that could have been shot through with a Mosina-type shotgun? Cannons from which even a real battery could not be created. Old English and French rifles. Was there at least something similar to the Mannerheim line in Latvia? At the same time, the Finns had at least ten tanks and small but combat-capable aviation, advanced artillery.
Finns resisting lost 9% of its national territory, which they are not returned even to this day. Latvia has a total area of 64,000 km2. Thus, this area is equivalent to half the territory of Latvia, which Russia took away from Finland in the Winter War - 30 thousand km2. Finland, on the other hand, was one front passing through a wooded and swampy area, while for Latvia, the Eastern border, plus if the Estonians did not oppose it, a full and total siege, as the fleet would not be able to protect the western borders and the bay.
On top of all this, the 'Molotov and Ribbentrop Pact', after which Latvia's territory departs for Russia [the German had already predicted that it would be revived in one way or another], and it is unknown how Germany would behave if Latvia began resisting its current ally. The Polish option is not entirely ruled out. It is possible that the Germans even waited for such resistance to take the Baltic before "Barbaros", as if in a "hurry" to "help", giving a "helping" "hand" to Latvia. But what was Latvia's further role in Nazi Germany's vision is no longer a mystery.
Therefore, those who say that Karlis Ulmanis conveyed to Latvia that we could as Finns, etc., are simply nothing more than what is now called modernly - sofa patriots who listen to what they want, and then foam their lips to start defending sometimes stupid ideas.
Yeah, and oh ... I also know that a bunch of "smart" shooters will be flogging me, both as a "Kremlin troll" and as a "traitor" and "Conspirator." Don't waste time, I'm immune to you, though if you want to show your "high" intelligence - can you deny it?
Pink elephant.
Once in childhood there was such a game - when somebody asks for something, we says, 'Well, but you buy a pink elephant in a bottle ...''. And so on every sentence, every question, every suggestion. After some time, the opponent has been brought to '' white mice ''.
What do I mean by that?
Today '' pink elephant '' is also required. Just no longer as ''
elephant '', but the responsibility for the words. And if we were
able to annoy friends with '' the little elephant '' in childhood and
often lead to their own, then we are very, very much afraid to ask
for '' responsibility for words ''.
Today's reality - the
next day after the election, a whole heap of pilgrims '' buttering ''
in full vote for the promise made by Members during the pre-election
period. And such '' buttering '' takes place until the next
elections. Here's how capable the people are. No, not all ... But
most, unfortunately. Starting with a relationship with your boss,
ending with self-elected members.
Usually, the nation knows
just how to silence silently, cynically call deputies, and anyone
else who has some power - to lie down ... But what did they do for it
not to be? Have any of them asked the boss, the inspector, the
prosecutor, the deputy, the minister to have any of them, when the
job was not done, their direct duty, the promise - to buy a 'pink
elephant'? Not! Because courage is enough to just smash at the
kitchen table.
However, there are some
who have no fear. And then, just like in childhood, the specific ''
craftsmen '' are brought to '' white mice ''. The police, the
prosecutor's office are trying to unsubscribe, but when it does not
work, they often threaten. And yet, if they are called '' a elephant
'', then they often do wonder and they start to work. The main thing
is not to let go. Even with some officials. The same thing with
different service providers .... But unfortunately, the self-elected
deputies have no reason to fear it. But it's so easy - go to a
particular party's office, regional department, and .... - "buy
a pink elephant in a bottle". And the questions come to the
But unfortunately ...
There are not many brave ones. But if every third voter would go and
ask for his 'pink elephant', everything would succeed. And don't need
pickets or strikes .... At least while ''white mice'' have not yet
led to 'white molds'. But when the condition is reached, then you can
also organize another strike or picket. And at the moment when the
current member passes - ask 'buy a pink elephant in a bottle' ...
You'll see that it works a hundred times better than teaser, thieves,
Buy a pink elephant in
the bottle ...
Real Estate and RET

Recently, topics related to real estate have been brought up again and again, and above all the real estate tax. So I couldn't stay aside without thinking about the subject.
Many already know when in Latvia, RET is very different from world practice. The question is - why. There could be a lot of polymezation and philosophy here, but in reality the answer is very simple - when there is no desire to think it is. And here's the big stone in our politicians' garden. It is they who are not thinking and who are trying to go the easiest way.
Abolishing RET for the sole property as a large part of society is a political issue. And it is also a stumbling block. There has been a "People's Initiative" that was rejected by the Saeima. Signatures for a new such initiative are now being collected. And yet nothing changes. Why? The answer was mentioned above.
Our politicians coming to power in the Olympics the next day forget that they are direct members of the people who have to deal with the interests of the people rather than the mystical '' state issues ''. Yes, yes, as a former member of the Saeima structural unit, you can openly say that out of a hundred Saeima deputies, only five to ten [depending on the term and party mosaic] remember it while the rest of the assets are "caring" for the country. But what is the state, if not its inhabitants? Unfortunately, our fellow Members have another glance at this, and even during the meeting they openly say that '' we need to think about the country to have a good life there ''. I have put a direct question to one other member - 'which country do you worry about if this is not the case for us? Maybe this is your special country? '' Some of these deputies are very offensive to me so far.
But now back to the topic. Why not RET? The argument of the Saeima and the Government: The budget of the local governments is practically held by the RET. And this is an absolutely wrong opinion. It is true, but wrong, and no one is going to correct it because the municipalities have a very large and powerful lobby. And the reason for this is - why change what if the municipality is NOT doing now, DO NOT BUILD anything, is guaranteed to receive a certain amount of RET every year. Is the municipality interested in tensioning and investing, improving entrepreneurship, promoting demography? NOT. No, because it is not necessary. If we look at the statistics, about 78% of the municipalities leave a large part of the population each year. Did the municipalities worry about it? No, because the RET does not diminish from it, and our compatriot working abroad does pay for this RET. But if someone does not pay, then everything is very simple - the property is taken away and sold to someone. They are particularly well-sought after by foreigners, who use our property as a holiday home in an ecologically clean environment that has long been absent from much of Europe.
Basically, this is a crime, because the municipalities are destined for destruction. And they will not save any regional reforms, because as they continue, this thread will end with one region and everything. Ending ... Finita la comedia .... For almost thirty years, post-Soviet communists have realized the devastating Marxist socio-economics. And, as a result, there is an absurd circle that can only be a radical way out of political responsibility. Municipalities are now charging RET, of which almost one-third go to social benefits. So for those who have stopped any further development because of the same local negligence and ignorance. Another part goes to municipal capital companies for services that one could and would want to do cheaper but cannot, because the same municipality has done nothing for business development, we have the opposite - we have tried to protect the monopoly of our capital companies, because then you can legalize this money in your wallets. The second aspect is that, by abolishing the RET, the state has to return to the municipalities a larger share of the personal income tax [PIT], but this in turn threatens to bankruptcy the budget that the same socialists have wasted. It is these two aspects that do not allow for the abolition of the RET, because the Members '' take care of the country '' and not the people. Besides, I know how often in the informal meetings these same fellow Members surprise - "we do so much, but as it gets worse, it gets worse ....". And do not understand that it becomes worse because they do not care about the nation, which is the basis of the state.
And now at the RET itself. I, too, believe that the sole property of the RET should be abolished. However, my views do not yet coincide fully with the abolition of the RET activists. My belief is that the concept of the only property should be defined. And it will have to be that the only property is the property owned by one owner and his family as a whole, and it declares those persons. Children cannot be the owners of real estate earlier than the 21year old, proving that the property is legally acquired, except for orphans, or the only direct heirs. And there is a problem when some 'rich' have six houses where one belongs to his wife, the other - to the daughter, the third - to the son, etc. ... If that is the case, be so good and pay the RET for everyone except one because you can afford it, as evidenced by the well-being of life. It's the same with rental houses as it is a source of income. Also pay for the rented homes and apartments in the RET. But get rid of the RET all those who bought or built the dwelling honestly, paid all the taxes, registered in the Land Register. The man has already paid for it. Why do I still charge RET every year for him? Where does Article 96 and 105 of the Constitution remain?
Another thing is land. There, I believe that the RET should pay everyone, because the land is a national territory. Earth is a state. And the land for RET can be set in gradients. Agricultural land - one tariff, organic farming land - reduced tariff. Home land [up to 2h] - another tariff, tended land used as natural farm - reduced tariff. Non-cultivated land - increased tariff. In the spring, a burning trip - a threefold tariff. Forest land - its own tariff again. Groomed forest - reduced tariff. A forest where '' restores '' in the path of self-cultivation - a double tariff. And believe me - life will improve as well as many, many other problems will be solved.
Of course, there will be many objections to this, because it will say that the land is also bought, and that is property, etc., bla, bla, bla ... Yes, but the ground is the territory of the country, the basis of the state. In addition to this, it could be that the land was given for the great work of the state, as was the case with the Latvian freedom fighters, who were given the country's land as a gratitude for their participation in the Freedom Fight. But it was a long time ago and now unfortunately it cannot be applied unless you start this process from scratch. And for those who say, '' but my grandfather gave this land '', I will answer - yes, gave, and we think ... But it was back then, and it was deserved. Unfortunately, this land was not protected, and in 1991 everything started from scratch. Here it is. That is why RET has to pay land.
Here is my opinion, my conclusions.
But I hope that there will be deputies who will start thinking about the people. No, not already pimenov and gobzem, who torpedo the Saeima and kacina the nation. For them, the nation is the least important because their actions are based on the polishing of their EGO. Even theoretically, if you suddenly give them the power - they will not cancel the RET, MPC, or anything else, and rhetoric will be the same as the others - you have to think, deal with ... And so from year to year. Though the truth is right here, and there is nothing to think, look for, address.

From an early age, we know what promises are. Sola to us, we promise ... But are these promises always fulfilled? Not all. Both those given to us and those we give. Promises are different. A simple promise, a solemn promise, a pre-election promise, an oath .... The more we listen to these promises, the less faith they have.
Today, our Health
Ministry promises to sort out the health sector. Practically it has
been promised since 1993, but ... Really this industry is
methodically destroyed. Last year, the previous government tried to
put us in the basket as such chickens. The current government regards
it as bad, but it will share it in the baskets to understand who and
how - who is entitled to medicine, but who is head-wrapping and
sucking on the sore. And we all follow these mystical promises,
forgot that basically everything was once. Our MEPs, ministers, civil
servants are spending taxpayers' money in various exchanges,
conferences, but nothing really happens. You see, in a civilized
world, everything has long been divided. There are insured people -
all those who work or otherwise earn and pay taxes. And it may not be
otherwise, because the duty of any employer or self-employed person
under the Law is to insure the worker and himself. And for each such
person, there is a so-called policies number. Enter the clinic,
hospital, name your policies number, and get medical help. But what
to do with those who do not work, do not earn and do not pay taxes?
Well, for example, a homeless? For them, there is such an institution
in the world as the 'Red Cross'. An institution that is living with
donations and for which the state is giving up. But what about us? In
1994, the Red Cross Hospital and Outpatient Clinic was liquidated.
Liquidated what existed even in Soviet times! Why was it removed? Is
it because we don't have the 'Red Cross'? There is one! But he was
eliminated because the 'Red Cross' came not in the right hands. If
someone remembers, there was corruption, embezzlement, and sharing in
our 'Red Cross'. But there is no real "Red Cross" working
for us. And no one is punished for it, nobody asks anything about it
... Although if the millions who are being diverted to various
non-working MH and national health inspectorate (NHI) databases,
would be redirected to such a 'Red Cross', before they have been
corrupt, thieves and the like, then here's the solution.
The Ministry of Defense
... We had to come to 2014 to wake up to MD .... And now we are
undergoing development. But until then? What happened until then?
Destruction of the total industry (if it can be called). I will not
talk about how the Chekists are frightened of the Guardians'
Formation, quickly declaring that the National Guard will be
legitimate in Latvia. OK, no matter how it will be called, the main
thing is to fulfill your duties. And in the beginning everything was
super. There were even a number of professional technical schools
with so-called 'young guards' courses. The young soldiers were
trained, both civilian and military were given them. Where is it all
now? Only in memories. But now the minister is talking about how to
promote the army, how to increase patriotism, how to build soldiers.
But everything was already there and you don't need to think
Two examples. Two broken
sectors that promise us year-to-year arrangement. What are these
promises? And does it remind us of what we promised in childhood, and
it never did? At least feel similar. The child is sometimes locked up
in the hope that it will forget the promise, or that it will do the
nonsense, and this promise will be missed. What do Ministers and
Members expect when we promise us? To do what we do and then to make
promises? Or rather that no one will do anything to them ...
History ...
History ... There is a statement - who doesn't know their history has no future. Do we know our history? Many will respond with '' YES '' and begin to tell the centuries-old, somewhere heard, somewhere read. But what was '' yesterday '' will rarely remember it.
History With Thirty Years Old .... For many it is their own life. Do you remember what happened thirty years ago?
Fate ... Can we change it? Can we influence it? And many more answers again. Who yes, no, what conditions .... But Fate himself calls and orders - '' Tak come to mind ... Tak change yourself, me and life .... ''. But ... No memory, and no history. And if we know, we don't understand, analyze, change, transform. And all over - elementary to understand.
Thirty years ago, Augusto Vosha, who for eighteen years led Latvia to destruction by serving in the Soviet nomenclature, flamed. Thirty years ago she and Modri Lujani were in jail for nothing.
And today. Today, Augusto Brigman, who served his former Soviet ideals with his party, has led Latvia to destruction. Today Ansis Bērziņš is sitting in prison .....
Two Augusti, two communists, two prisoners ..... Have these thirty years changed? Or are we still there? Can changes in names and punctuation really influence our awareness that we can forget what we once lived in our lives once?
Do we really believe that the communists who have taken over the name of the national party and the legacy themselves will become national and lead Latvia towards growth? Or do we gladly believe in these Communist gossip about totalitarianism, the betrayal that was made by the founder of the same party back 78 years ago, forgetting that this person raised Latvia's prosperity in less than five years?
History ... No Centuries Needed .... We don't remember yesterday, we don't remember what happened in our lifetime .... Do we have a future?
Guilty of in the nation ...

So - to blame for everything in the nation, and not politics !. You ask why? Answer - politicians elected by the people, it is the freedom of choice, but the politicians are not. They are elected! And this process is in line with the already things banal: "Every nation deserves the government as it is elected". Continuing - PEOPLE IS BAD! Bad because driving on poor roads, badly dressed, badly eats, etc., But the politicians (who are the bad people is elected) live well, so they are good!
Many who do not encounter all this sarcasm, bow down to protest - how can such glupības all say, let alone write ... But if you look deeper - a sacred truth.
We elect politicians and they become "good". Because they have no choice - but they are elected! And they are forced to live on the right. And they do it very conscientiously. But now let us think. Like bad or good? NO! More from the classroom we remember how we tried to avoid friendship with the bad, as our parents tried to protect us from the bad companies and bad friends. So why to "good" politicians make friends with the "bad" nations? Here's where the answer! However, it is also known that "good" is always struggling with the "bad". And what does our Saeima, Cabinet of Ministers and the politicians as a whole? Right! Struggling with bad NATIONS! And this battle is almost on life and death. Politicians are doing everything possible to destroy the "bad" people. And the people murmured to politicians. And here, once again, time to look back on the school years. Or when the class bully, which strostēja front of the class were glad about it? No! He murmured, and thought in your mind, and then ieriebt these "good people". And the "bad people" are anxious about these - how bad do "good" policy, which itself elected. How cant how to create a "bullying" picket and protest. But honor and glory of our politicians - they all forces, weary struggle with the people, all the forces trying to destroy this evil. And as well it is that there are the European Commission, the EU parliament (which by the way bad people are elected politicians), which as a friendly arm can come to the rescue of our small, but the "right" political family, their nevienādajā struggle by providing valuable and good advice.
Therefore, honorable "bad people" - do not take the evil that you will not hear that you ignore, because hardly, can you recommend any good politicians. And because of this, politicians, riskēdami by yourself, make your own "good" job completely ignoring the "bad" people's desires, interests and other made nonsense.
And do not resent that Mr Levita not President, because it was sought to "bad" people. "Good" politicians know what is good - because now we will have Mr Vējonis. Because he is "good" because it is a popular elected politician. But what is Mr Levita? Some of the European Court of Human Rights judge (1995-2004). At the same time, since 1997 the OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration conciliator, since 2001 the International Arbitration Court. 2004 Levits elected to the European Court of Justice (later the European Court) judge - that is simply "bad" people's representative.
It is here!
I hope that now the people (at least those who read), reverence, and at least a step on the road Reformatory.
And if still not - then at least we will make peace right politicians (or not yet ...).
For a good mood - you and bad NATION!
I forgot to add ... Before "mend" - need to drink!