Regular political review.

Well? The budget has been adopted, the public holiday is celebrated, or, to put it right, the ongoing routine continues. So what makes this routine?
Songs of praise for the '' greatest '' and '' most successful '' budget have been sung. For being so "fortunate" to be thanked and to contend with the prime minister and the coalition, but for adopting the budget, it was possible to disobey their own laws - to be mowed and stoned by "anti-state" forces and "lie champions". . Looking at all this theater from the sidelines, it has to be concluded that nothing has changed much in the last twenty years, apart from the terms "anti-state forces" and "champions of lies". Everything else is constant. Money is always more than expected, but it is not enough for everyone. Of course, no "state power" and the prime minister does not say what she is enough to say, because by saying that "it is not enough for everyone", it is logical to understand that there is still someone who is. And whoever it is, doesn't say it publicly. As a result, people come to their own logical conclusion, and the distribution of what their money is enough and not enough. And the blame is on communication that our 'mighty' haven't learned in the 28 years, despite all the Oxford and Cambridge diplomas, education in the US, and so on. '' developed '' countries. One has to begin to doubt whether their "education" is better than that of Mazmiesti Elementary School, since their graduate Jesup is able to explain his views and thoughts in five words so that there is no additional question that cannot be said about our educated ministers and deputies.
Now and with the lack of communication, another collection of signatures on the dissolution of the Saeima has begun. So to say, the second act of a theatrical performance. This is, of course, done by "anti-state" forces, because the state is vigilant and perhaps the doughs cannot do anything else. However, democracy is and remains a democracy only in terms of '' state '' forces. In addition, this understanding of who is then "state" and who is "anti-state" depends on the status of belonging. If you are in the position of parliament and government, you are a "state" force, but if you are in opposition then it is logical that you are "anti-state". And so it has been for 28 years, though terms have only appeared in the last year. And it doesn't matter that this status can change for each individual party - the key is where you are right now. And so, as already mentioned - all good, white - "state", while the bad, black - "anti-state". There is only one big problem - there is no room for citizens in this sign. Well yes, you could already say that you are on the side you voted for, however .... However, as it turns out, you can be very black even though you voted "white".
Well and so the "gray" collect signatures. Of course, none of the initiators can explain why it is needed and what will change from it. Because there are as many political parties as they are, and when this Saeima is dissolved, nothing else is to be expected in the simple and elementary - Nothing Else. Because those few Satalite parties that are now overboard are the same as they are now. OK, of course there are "sharp minds" who are trying to rock their political careers on this wave. But if you look at what they are, you want to say thank you right away, then better with the existing ones. And secondly, there is no guarantee that even if theoretically these will come to power, something will change ... I think nothing will change, at least for the better. And the real precedent was 2011, Order No. 2 by W. Zatlers. And? What changed from that? In essence, the newly formed party of V. Zatlers gained one-fifth of the votes of the whole Saeima - in theory. In practice, as we know, the six deportees, some of whom were tear-dropping and holding hands at the heart and in some other place in the Saeima grandstand, threw all the voters without blame. And after the Reform Party collapses, where do we see these footage? Vienotiba, Saskana and ZZS ... Some of them have already earned the title of meritorious political walker. Consequently, the question is repeated - what will change if this Saeima is dismissed. I can answer that question. And that's the difference from everyone who initiates and supports the collection of these signatures. My answer is - the number of the parliamentary term is changing. AND ALL...
Of course, I agree with the need to change this whole social-communist system, where all parties are copy-paste, where the core and the core are derived from the Kom Party. Because back in 1992, as we were teaching, we were creating parties and writing a law on parties. It was not for nothing that Unity even held the position of Secretary-General. However, in order to break this system, signatures have to be collected not on the dissolution of the Saeima, but on changes to the Election Law. And not 10,000 signatures to submit to the Saeima an initiative that it will reject before the first reading, ticking off another democracy check in its account, but immediately collect those 155,000 signatures to have a referendum on changes to this law and the Constitution. And then, with a positive outcome, a miracle will happen - even all "anti-state" forces will instantly become white and state. There will be no more enforceable Laws, full sector and ministry audits, and money, if that's not enough for everyone, will definitely list all those who have enough. In addition, it will be the "state" who will be the last to claim this money. For the sake of preserving their seat in the Saeima.
That is why I am currently looking for like-minded people to help set up, present and deliver such an initiative. Unfortunately, the responses are almost non-existent. For the time being. But I hope common sense prevails. Oh yes, reckon that for a while you will become a "anti-state" force ....