Guilty of in the nation ...
June 4, 2015 at 9:00 am,
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So - to blame for everything in the nation, and not politics !. You ask why? Answer - politicians elected by the people, it is the freedom of choice, but the politicians are not. They are elected! And this process is in line with the already things banal: "Every nation deserves the government as it is elected". Continuing - PEOPLE IS BAD! Bad because driving on poor roads, badly dressed, badly eats, etc., But the politicians (who are the bad people is elected) live well, so they are good!
Many who do not encounter all this sarcasm, bow down to protest - how can such glupības all say, let alone write ... But if you look deeper - a sacred truth.
We elect politicians and they become "good". Because they have no choice - but they are elected! And they are forced to live on the right. And they do it very conscientiously. But now let us think. Like bad or good? NO! More from the classroom we remember how we tried to avoid friendship with the bad, as our parents tried to protect us from the bad companies and bad friends. So why to "good" politicians make friends with the "bad" nations? Here's where the answer! However, it is also known that "good" is always struggling with the "bad". And what does our Saeima, Cabinet of Ministers and the politicians as a whole? Right! Struggling with bad NATIONS! And this battle is almost on life and death. Politicians are doing everything possible to destroy the "bad" people. And the people murmured to politicians. And here, once again, time to look back on the school years. Or when the class bully, which strostēja front of the class were glad about it? No! He murmured, and thought in your mind, and then ieriebt these "good people". And the "bad people" are anxious about these - how bad do "good" policy, which itself elected. How cant how to create a "bullying" picket and protest. But honor and glory of our politicians - they all forces, weary struggle with the people, all the forces trying to destroy this evil. And as well it is that there are the European Commission, the EU parliament (which by the way bad people are elected politicians), which as a friendly arm can come to the rescue of our small, but the "right" political family, their nevienādajā struggle by providing valuable and good advice.
Therefore, honorable "bad people" - do not take the evil that you will not hear that you ignore, because hardly, can you recommend any good politicians. And because of this, politicians, riskēdami by yourself, make your own "good" job completely ignoring the "bad" people's desires, interests and other made nonsense.
And do not resent that Mr Levita not President, because it was sought to "bad" people. "Good" politicians know what is good - because now we will have Mr Vējonis. Because he is "good" because it is a popular elected politician. But what is Mr Levita? Some of the European Court of Human Rights judge (1995-2004). At the same time, since 1997 the OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration conciliator, since 2001 the International Arbitration Court. 2004 Levits elected to the European Court of Justice (later the European Court) judge - that is simply "bad" people's representative.
It is here!
I hope that now the people (at least those who read), reverence, and at least a step on the road Reformatory.
And if still not - then at least we will make peace right politicians (or not yet ...).
For a good mood - you and bad NATION!
I forgot to add ... Before "mend" - need to drink!