Medical protests.

Today, medics gathered in a picket near the Saeima to fight for their wages, to comply with the law. However, analyzing all the events that have occurred to date does lead to a not very encouraging conclusion - there will be no radical change in everything. Why such conclusions? Here are the answers:
Going back a long time ago, the Ministry of Health (HM) budget was halved, but there were overtime hours, three jobs, and with God half the doctors pulled the ends together. It even bought, repaired and built new equipment and machinery. The doctors screamed, but did not protest. Except EMS.
Then came the judgment of the Constitutional Court, which stipulated that overtime work should be paid at double the rate, and thus medical problems began. The first thing the Ministry of Health and hospital boards did was prohibit doctors from working overtime. And now the murmur was beginning to turn into frustration. To somehow “let off that steam”, the then Minister of Health, A.Čakša, used his presence with the power party and made a statement that the medical industry was short of money and as a result of various periphythm the budget of the Ministry was DOUBLE !!! As a result, a law called "Increase in wages for medical staff" was passed, stipulating that medical salaries should increase by 30% in 2018, and thereafter by 20% each year for five years, in exchange for overtime. Plus, money was given to "fix" e-health, reduce patient queues, buy routine equipment, etc., and so on. As a result, medical salaries in 2018 were increased by ... (!!!) on average by 25% instead of the promised 30%. But it was silent because the growth was and everyone was happy. However, there were still some overtime hours. In short, one could live.
The year 2019 came and it was revealed that there was no money in the doubled budget for the next salary increase step. However, this did not prevent Members from deciding that salary increases should be, which, in the words of Members and Ministers themselves, now turns out to be an empty promise and an unenforceable law. Somewhere, however, the money was "raised" and salaries increased. As much as 10 percent, because it suddenly turned out that the doctors did not understand the meaning of the law, and it sees only the "lower" wage increase, but overtime reduced it completely. However, after the increase, something great did not change for the "lowest" wage earners - as was the minimum, it practically remained. The medical staff went to work again and started working in two, three places, thus bypassing the HM's "blessing" law on overtime work, because working in another institution was not overtime. As a result, the law began to be violated, which was actually initiated and supported by the HM itself.
Now 2020 is coming. And it's no wonder that there is no money in the HM again. In retrospect, I can say that in Latvia the budget is the ninth wonder of the world - regardless of all the circumstances, even according to statistics, the economy is growing, tax revenue is growing, GDP is growing - there will never be enough money in the budget. Therefore, it turns out that in 2020 the salaries of medical personnel are not expected to increase. Then, after many speeches, quarrels, threats, he found half of what was needed and announced that wage growth would be half that. According to our Ministry of Finance (MoF), HM, this would mean a 2% increase in medical salaries, because if 20% were 10, it would be logical that half would be a quarter. If anyone did not understand this arithmetic, they could ask for advice. ministers, and economists in the Saeima, all of whom have education in Oxford, Cambridge and Yale (where we have nothing ...)
I will not talk about which sectors the money came from. It is one - public administration combined with the Saeima. Those who do not deserve a cent in the country, turn out to deserve the most. Another paradox of the Latvian budget.
But now it all comes down to a protest that makes no sense, because in the world, such protest is called staged, controlled protest. They are used in two cases: (a) to show the world that democracy exists in the country; b) When unsuccessful politicians raise their ratings at the expense of protesters to tick their inaction list. In any case, either together or individually, nothing changes in the lives of the protesters. Aside from personal satisfaction and a degree of self-esteem for all stakeholders.
And today it was visible. Ministry of Healty Vinķele smiled in front of protesters as he had been urging medics for three months, in other words, sanctioning open but controlled protest activities. As a result, the person who received one of the largest streaks in parliamentary elections is now almost a saint and the industry's biggest supporter .... Of course, for a second, another "life-abuser" joined in, earning a plus. I won't list the rest of the skins, but without them.
Will this protest make any sense? No it won't. Everything has already been decided. It was clear - 50 million and that's it. He filed a protest, holding polls ahead of time and realizing there would be many, thought and "found" another 10 million. A total of 60.- million, exactly half of what was "promised" and recorded. A total compromise. In addition, when the Speaker of the Saeima "invited" a picket delegation to the talks, the Minister of Healty remained and did not go anywhere. Isn't it funny? It confirms that everything has already been put to the point and the delegation was "crying" for difficult times, promising that they are and will be a priority, bla bla bla ....
In fact, everything is much, much simpler. Money is real, but it continues to be wasted. Ask the ministers to tell you how their ministry budget is being used, and the answer will be, uh, oh, next ... is as it is. But ... But none of this number is true. Proof of this is the annual reports of the State Audit Office, none of which are without remarks, instructions and materials sent to the prosecutor's office.
Money is. Only one is very reluctant to give it back, but someone else lacks the desire to claim it and take it. But on the whole, some people who live in their individual world are so reluctant to live honestly, because then there won't be so many ... There will be no personal cottages, no homes, no property ... There will be no free and paid world tour. Will have to live honestly ....
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