Reading literacy
Reading literacy is one of the most valuable and necessary skills of today.
Long ago, when I was still a child, reading another fairy-tale book, I dreamed that it would be good if the pictures lived up and that the fairy-tale would simply look at the reading place. With the growth of television, the development of cinema and the development of cinematography, it was possible to compare the read fairy with the film. Later I was able to compare even more serious works of art. And, as it turned out, the book was often better than cinema.
Today we live in the XXI century. And my childhood dreams come true. Smartphones, tablets. Reading is no longer a necessity. Everything can be viewed. Just tell the magic words - '' Google OK .... '', and please - all the information is presented on the 'silver plate with a gold edge' or, more precisely, on the tablet, the smartphone. Progress! Development! Urra !!!
But really? It has been shown that when reading, a person adds to his vocabulary, which in turn helps him to formulate his own words, opinions, claims, etc. more accurately. In turn, these skills are enhanced by an individual's IQ, which in turn makes the individual attractive to the community, generates opportunities for growth and career. However, it seems that the world '' high technology '' is doing its best to degrade humanity.
Nowadays, reading books is no longer necessary because special programs read a book in front of you. Even basic SMS writing is no longer necessary as you can send and receive voice messages. Today's youth choose computer games instead of reading the most of their life time. So they do not develop, are physically weak and inadequate, intellectually retarded. Today, only one in twelve young people aged between seven and sixteen is able to formulate their thoughts precisely. Only every ninth can speak and write with compound sentences using compound and sequential terms. And not because they aren't taught at school. No, because when they listen, they do not settle in their brain as they read.
In a conversation with a teacher, I was shocked by her story. Today, a ninth grade student reading a book that I read at school for two weeks, plus a book summary - this student reads four months !!! FOUR !!!! Reading is at primary level !!! And this is our 'future' ...
In conclusion ... Can we really blame the technology? Not!. They are designed to make our life easier, but not to replace it. Then who is to blame? We are guilty ourselves. We, who do not ask our children, grandchildren to read, we who, for the sake of our peace, put our child in the hands of a tablet, so that we do not interfere with us ... And then we are still judging about the injustices that are waiting for us everyday ... What we insult ? How do we destroy ourselves? How do we make degenerates from our children?
Maybe it's worth finding yourself?
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