History ...
History ... There is a statement - who doesn't know their history has no future. Do we know our history? Many will respond with '' YES '' and begin to tell the centuries-old, somewhere heard, somewhere read. But what was '' yesterday '' will rarely remember it.
History With Thirty Years Old .... For many it is their own life. Do you remember what happened thirty years ago?
Fate ... Can we change it? Can we influence it? And many more answers again. Who yes, no, what conditions .... But Fate himself calls and orders - '' Tak come to mind ... Tak change yourself, me and life .... ''. But ... No memory, and no history. And if we know, we don't understand, analyze, change, transform. And all over - elementary to understand.
Thirty years ago, Augusto Vosha, who for eighteen years led Latvia to destruction by serving in the Soviet nomenclature, flamed. Thirty years ago she and Modri Lujani were in jail for nothing.
And today. Today, Augusto Brigman, who served his former Soviet ideals with his party, has led Latvia to destruction. Today Ansis Bērziņš is sitting in prison .....
Two Augusti, two communists, two prisoners ..... Have these thirty years changed? Or are we still there? Can changes in names and punctuation really influence our awareness that we can forget what we once lived in our lives once?
Do we really believe that the communists who have taken over the name of the national party and the legacy themselves will become national and lead Latvia towards growth? Or do we gladly believe in these Communist gossip about totalitarianism, the betrayal that was made by the founder of the same party back 78 years ago, forgetting that this person raised Latvia's prosperity in less than five years?
History ... No Centuries Needed .... We don't remember yesterday, we don't remember what happened in our lifetime .... Do we have a future?