Service. Security or racism.

Well even Latvian Internet takes a case where a small handful of the Business Highschool Turiba (BHT) in the hostel living overseas 'students' from dienvidzemēm sexually harassed Latvian meiteinei. The girl called the police, while the "students" are now collecting signatures to evict the girl from the hostel. And all of this would be worthless if such cases had not happened all over Europe for the past five years, and unless all these cases had been tried to be silenced by the authorities. Therefore, this article is about a similar case in 1993.
At that time, I was an employee of the MoI, and I served in the notorious Mobile Police Regiment (MPR). One nice night, as usual on duty on a mobile patrol, we received a call to a dorm hosted by an "interracial incident". When we arrived at the scene, we actually discovered that about ten people were physically explaining the relationship. When we saw one part, the four guys on our land once stood, while the six dark-skinned people shouted at us, waving their hands, explaining something in a combination of English, Russian and more. To be clear, we had to lay down everyone, without exception, and explain at least four times that we would now be asking questions and that no one was allowed to open their mouths alone. Admittedly, our guys realized it once, while the "southerners" had to repeat it every two minutes. Realizing that there would be no order, we isolated the '' South '' from each other and the long-awaited peace ensued.
We started explaining the situation. It turns out that three Pakistani people had come up with a "fun" evening and decided to invite Latvian girls. When denied, they are at all angry because they see how a woman can refuse? And as a result, they broke into the girls' room, where they were forcibly forced to follow them. But, unfortunately, at that moment, our boys, who heard the girls' cries and returned to the girls, did not come from anywhere. The Pakistanis, seeing it more angry and calling their own, began to physically explain the relationship. Neither did ours get into debt, and the "party" could begin. For the sake of clarity, it must be admitted that the commandant of these dormitories, having tried to calm the fever, had in the end received a blow from one Indus. He then went to his post and called the police. We arrived in about six minutes.
There were three Latvians and one Russian on the one hand (ours), and three Pakistanis and five Indians on the other side (South). Two girls, one Latvian and the other Russian-speaking, have suffered. I particularly emphasize this ethnic division so that I will not be blamed for racism. Explaining what had happened, ours were immediately ready to respond to what had happened, adding that they were defending the vulnerable. And from the law - they were absolutely right - the defense needed, the attempt to prevent a possible crime, and so on. The "southern", on the other hand, did not want to realize that they had broken something because they see it as a matter of course in their homeland, and how can it not be here ... At one moment it came to the fact that to us - the police, began to threaten. To some extent this put an end to all this, with explanations being taken from the Indians and 'ours', but the Pakistanis only being taken to the police station. There they were prosecuted under the relevant article. Oh yes - the girls handwritten submissions without any pressure, and the next day they came to the National Examination Center where they were diagnosed with appropriate bodily harm.
After about two weeks we were on duty again in the area. We went to the police station and inquired about the event. It turned out that all eight "southern" people had left Latvia within three days. During the criminal proceedings, Pakistanis had a '' no change of residence '', which did not, however, prevent them from disappearing from Latvia. As far as Induss are concerned, it turned out that their firm, which was established in Latvia and was trading in rice, but without its own "bosses", remained in the warehouse rented by the firm, leaving several tons of rice unavailable to customers. By the end of that three-day period, however, Indians had been able to receive advance payment for rice, which was about four times the amount available at the warehouse. Where these Indians and Pakistanis are now - history is silent.
It was 1993. Now is 2019. At that time everything was fast and tight. Today, liberalism and tolerance are in vogue. I'm not saying that all of these "southern" people are bad. In this regard, I have had discussions, quarreled with someone close to me who thought I was thickening colors. However, there is another issue with all this: when we go to their countries, we give lectures, give brochures about the culture and traditions of these countries, how to behave, what is allowed, what is not. But what happens otherwise? Nothing. Because liberalism and tolerance are superior to anything, to one's culture, to one's self-esteem. Why are such precedents possible today? Because there is a liberal attitude. If the attitude was like 1993 - now this "southern" BHT would not exist. And others would not go here because knew that if anything, they would have to answer. Recently, I read somewhere how many visas were denied to Indians who had expressed a desire to "learn" in Latvia. And it shocked the way and who wants to get this visa - people who are even unfamiliar with first-year school. And now they are common collect signatures to a girl who was trying to defend himself calling the police to evict from the hostel.
It would be interesting to hear the explanations of the MoI, the MoW, the MoE, but I doubt if these officials are capable of pushing anything over the lip, because the main thing is LIBERALISM and TOLERANCE ... And there are no such "ours" guys anymore.
Thanks to those who read.
Would love to read your comments.
And special thanks to the supporters. You are the best!
Work. Evaluation.

Everyone has a desire to be valued. This is a normal wish. However, it is often the case that this assessment comes in unexpected and completely different ways.
One of my specialties is lawyer. I have spent a third of my conscientious life in this specialty. As you know, each work has its own crust. That is also the case. And that makes the assessment all the more enjoyable.
Over the last five years, many of my clients have been medical professionals. Mainly from average medical staff. I consulted them, because unfortunately today they are among the most vulnerable medical staff. The average medical staff has to deal with unlawful behavior on the part of the medical authorities, with mobbing ... The medical profession is well aware of the treatment process, but is not very attentive to the law and the rule of law. So someone has to help.
This work has its own side effects. In order to know the developments in medical institutions, one has to attend various medical events, meetings, meetings. In this way, general, objective information is obtained. Of course, seeing injustice, I have described some particularly '' interesting '' cases on social networks, and asked public questions to medical authorities, medical organizations. And this moment, the administrations of these medical institutions do not like it very much.
So, in a relatively recent time, I attended an event attended by an industry minister and a member of the Saeima who, by the way, said this event in one of our communications, and the event itself was inadvertently promoted on the same social networks. The event was interesting, it was interesting to listen to the Minister's procession and the desire to present himself as a '' industry fighter ''. It was interesting to listen to the trade union. It was even more interesting to listen to the questions of the doctors themselves and the answers of the minister, the deputy and the administration of the medical institution itself. And everything would be ordinary, if not an incident.
The event was virtually over, and the minister and the deputy were already given bouquets of flowers when they suddenly heard:
- Sorry, you're an employee?
I look at a young, blond being leaning over my feeble stature and eagerly waiting for my answer.
- Hello, no! I'm not ... - I answer.
- So what are you doing here? This is just a staff event, it is a closed event ... - is already furiously answered by the blond.
- Sorry - astonished I object - but where does it say it's just a staff event?
But how did you find out? - its blonde again.
Sorry, but it was written on social networks and there was no mention that the event was closed ...-
At this point, everyone around us has already turned attention to our the dialogue, as with each subsequent sentence, it became louder from the blond being, so that practically the main character of the "overpowering" institution, who then gave the next answer, called the doctors event. From the immediate seats where the administration was located, one wonders, silently asking, '' How's not an employee? '', '' What's that like? ''
-No, it's not an employee! THIS IS MARIS SILIŅŠ !!!!
At this point I felt like at least the president of the state, or Michael Jegger ... I was recognized, I know my name, and I get the attention of almost every room, including the board of directors and industry ministers. Not every person has the opportunity to enjoy such a "glory" moment. No, well, ok, I've had some misunderstandings, but they were misunderstandings because I was just confused with another person. But here ...
So, in order not to interfere with the event, I suggest that the blond be out of the hall and continue our '' discussion '' as otherwise I am obscuring the whole event with my personality. And so we did.
Outside, in the hallway, our discussion continued. In my address I was voiced a number of allegations and insults, which itself blonde creature was unable to prove it. From this I realized that my work is not in vain, and that the administration of this institution has something to hide is something to be afraid of. At the same time, one could see that the blond being was pleased with having discovered the greatest ''criminal'' in the world. Hopefully the board paid the creature a bonus. However, there is another side to this medal - to prove to me that I was not eligible to attend this event was a creature disability. At the same time, she indirectly invited me to the next event, where I was not in the run-up to the events.
Why did I call this blonde being? Not because I was hiding her personality, but because when I asked her to present herself, all she answered:
- I'm an employee of this institution ....-
- Are you sure you have a name and a position as well? - I ask,
- Yes, I have one. I'm a worker ... - the answer sounded again.
It follows that courtesy is the last to be expected of the administration of that institution. Firstly, this is what the ethics of elemental courtesy require, secondly, I am certainly much older than him, and here too, the elemental courtesy taught in the family requires this elementary name, at least. Anywhere now ....
But let it be as it is. Two more have occurred since the event described. And in both of them, the blond creature walked and searched hard for someone. I really hope not me ... There will be another third event. I can tell you right away - I'm not. Unfortunately .... I'm very busy.
On the other hand, I was surprised by the sudden activity of this board, albeit at the event described, and another was initiated by the union. The other two, the boards, which it strongly encourages to be open to, ask the painful questions that promise answers. At the same time, the answers are mostly about - '' it is up to you individually, come tomorrow - you will be explained '', etc ... in fact, nothing is solved. As a result, these measures are more like "disloyal employee calculations" than concern for the institution. In addition, the underwater stone of these events is certainly the impending change of board, which the current board hopes for.
Anyway, I will continue my work. And even if I'm not present at a regular event, that doesn't mean I'm not there. Well, of course, fame and recognition ... This is a double incentive for me.
And of course thank you to all who read and a big thank you to those who supported.
Childhood. My childhood beliefs.

Child, this is a compilation of "why", "why", "what" and so on. We know very well how many questions a child can ask about a subject, and how often it stops us with answers. At the same time, these questions and answers form our child's perception of what is happening around us, about what happens in nature.
Often, however, children form their own views based on their observations, impressions, fantasies. Each of us, in our childhood, has formed our own beliefs, defending them among our peers by playing in the sandbox, arguing and trying to prove the "truth". Since I was often forced to stay home alone during my childhood, I had a lot of time to develop my own specific views. Here are some of my childhood views. The ones from pre-school, the ones I had invented for some reason, the ones I remember today. There was probably more. And so....
Why does the earth rotate?
When I was little, I heard the earth turning. And, of course, my little mind was contemplated - if the earth turns, who or what turns it? Thinking until I figure it out. The ground is cut by people walking. And if it could be said that all people would stop, then the earth would definitely stop. That's the view
How does the wind come about?
Again, this was a guilty person in my child's mind. Because man breathes. And when you exhale, the wind blows. And multiplying it by all people is the result of the wind. Interestingly, hardly guilty of storms coming out of such logic. I don't remember that from childhood.
Clouds and rain.
In my childhood, I thought clouds came from smoke. White smoke produces white cumulus clouds and black smoke produces rain (snow) clouds. That's why it rains so often in the autumn when it gets cold and the stoves are fired (we had a furnace heating at home). Opposite the house we had some production facility, but behind it was the railway, which in my childhood was still driven by steam locomotives. They were good, because mostly white smoke (steam) came from their chimneys. On the other hand, the production facility was bad because of its thick black smoke coming from its chimneys. Could he have become an ecologist under other circumstances?
Virtual friend.
In my childhood there was neither internet nor computers ... TV was only a few hours in the evening. So I was forced to play with myself, and it worked out the imagination pretty well. As a result of this imagination, I had made a "virtual" imaginary friend of mine who was called just like me. What we didn't do together ... But the greatest friendship started when we had to go to bed. Sleep did not always come, so in our minds, imaginative adventures were created that not all computer games are capable of at the moment. We flew, swam, traveled to other planets ... But once we quarreled and didn't talk for days ... Is this kind of virtual friendship now possible?
When should the car change gears?
Like any guy, I was very interested in technique and machinery. Whenever I had a chance to watch everything in the cab, the driver drives the transport. And when someone asked me, '' Do you have wallets to ride? ', I always proudly replied,' 'Of course!' '. I was once asked, '' if you ever know how to drive, when should the car change gears? ''. Thinking for a moment, I replied, '' Well, when the engine roars loudest ... ''. And I couldn't understand what's so funny about my answer ...
Certainly, there were other views, life's insights. These are the brightest from childhood. I would like to remind you that all these ideas and beliefs were formed during the pre-school age - three to six years.
Maybe you also have such memories. You can write in the comment. At the moment, it may seem ridiculous to myself, but I think these are some of the warmest memories I really need not be ashamed of.
And of course thank you
to all who read and a big thank you to those who supported.
Medicine. I was as asked for a bribe ...

That was the case in the last century. Mid-1990s. I was young, beautiful. Under the patriotism of my youth and my stubbornness at the time, I was a military in uniform. My work took place in a Latvian city, which proudly wore the Latvian Communist surname in Soviet times.
I will not say that the work was difficult but quite interesting. However, in spite of everything that happened, as it were, but in the performance of his duties, the two digits of the wrist were purely unsuccessful. Nothing at first, I think I was just bumped, shocked, and of course I wasn't in a hurry with the doctors. But when I crawled on the ceiling like a fly on the third night, and against gravity, I didn't fall off of them, I realized - without esculaps, I wouldn't be able to do it.
And so in the morning I went to the local outpatient clinic - a hospital in one person, or in a building. I took the number at the reception and went to the office. Accepted that day, the hospital's own manager, traumatologist - a surgeon in one person. As it turned out later, he was also a professor / professor of medicine. I came to this, all right. Sent to the X-ray, which stands below. I made it, went back. And then began the most interesting. It turned out that I was expecting at least two surgeries, and a year in plaster ... And only if I "understand" the seriousness of the situation. Otherwise, I can forget about work as such because with a rigid, crooked hand, I have nothing to shine on. But the '' gravity of the situation '' is worth around $ 50. Since the rumors of such a "situation description" had been heard before, and the fact that the said esculape is not shy about "gratitude", especially to those who have been advised, I offered him a game in which I became deaf for a while, but in the meantime, he writes me a referral to the Riga 2nd Hospital, which had a contract with the NAF at the time (probably even today). The Doctor did not have such a game in his mind, and at my address all sorts of sarcasm began to sound. I listened to them calmly and then asked him if he didn't know "Tula Tokarjev"? It stopped the flood of his verses for a bit, and he replied in the negative. Next, I explain to him what ''Tula Tokarjev'' (popularly known as TT) is, and that he will stubbornly '' look '' in the back while we go to my office to make document on extortion. The strangest thing was that during this short period of time, as a magic hint, a mission to Riga came, and the nurse ordered me to lay plaster on his hand, which he himself had to hurry to go somewhere.
When I arrived in Riga the next day and met the doctor, it turned out that no surgery was needed in my case. He was just amazed at the plaster he had put on, because it had been laid incorrectly. When I told who ordered it, the astonishment in the doctor's eye doubled. Then I also found out what this esculape really was.
As a result, after three months, I successfully got rid of the plaster, no surgery was needed, and the hand is still working.
Curiously, this is practically my only bad experience with medics. Experience in the context of a patient - a medic. But no matter how strange I am, the rest of my experience with medics is just positive and fun.
But in other articles.
And as usual, thank you to everyone who read, and triple thank you to those who support.
All the time we live, it's history.
All the time we live is a combination of causes and effects.
We do not imagine that each of our steps, each of our movements, in one way or another, changes the course of events, the destinies. For us, all of this seems natural and self-explanatory. But have we wondered what would happen next if we had not done this or something, if we had not said what we had said, if we had not seen what we saw. No, we don't think about it because by default we think it should have been.
life is moving. There are dozens and hundreds of events every minute
that we do not observe, but that affect our lives in one way or
another. And often, in difficult times, we ask ourselves - why me,
why me? And we do not look back for a moment to analyze our actions.
the following articles, I will write about myself, the events that I
know, the events that have affected people I know in one way or
another. There will be articles about events I observed from the
sidelines I attended. However, due to privacy, character names,
locations may change. And if anyone in the events described
identifies himself, then it is not to be hurt if his opinion is not
in line with my subjective view, but perhaps to reappear, and to
think how his life might have changed if it had been different then.
It is just as likely that someone will "see" themselves,
even though the article will not be about him. But even then you can
look at it from the prism of opportunity.
our lives are history. But history is what determines the future.
Each of our individual histories is our memory, which most often
fades with time, with age, and remains unknown. As a result, history
remains unknown. Of course, there are historians who study the past
who '' write '' history. And in many people it usually causes
reflection - was it? Has the historian correctly presented and
written it? But ... we ourselves are historians.
now on the dark autumn and winter evenings, when the power is still
there, I will try to create a pattern. How often they will be depends
on many factors - occupancy, fatigue, time, etc., etc. But overall
the scripts will. I can tell you right away that there will be no
chronology. Just what comes to mind will become so. I can tell you
there will be several separate topics that may make it easier for
you, the reader, to orient yourself. Of course, there will be
articles in other sections as well.
of my acquaintances knowing this blog and my intentions are skeptical
- '' but who needs it, who will read it? ''. Usually I say, '' Those
who can still read, they will read, but those who can not, they will
still ... '. So I say, I don't force anyone, no one has to read by
force. But for those who read, maybe see a familiar place description
or comment on the event in addition to everything - I'll be happy
with them. Even if it's just one person.
of course I will appreciate your support.
Real-time articles and smal articles. Felleton style.
Every day we witness countless events, talks, phenomena. And for a lot of things, we don't pay attention to us because of our busy, oblivious, inattentive.
But still, these things can change someone's life, further events.
However, it takes time to write. And time is relative ...
To write, I have to "steal" this time ...
So I'll be happy for every support ...
For my part, I promise I will try. An event may not be complete. But its continuation (if I know it) will depend on you and your interest, comments, support.