Conspiracy theory outside Latvia.

When looking at and analyzing events outside Latvia, peculiar conclusions are called, which can be called conspiracy theories, because there is no real evidence for it, but at the same time, there is a lot of indirect information, unverified and unofficial sources.
The main issue that often circulates among us is a certain threat from the east. That is why many are delighted with the ever increasing number of NATO troops, the establishment of a special unit in Latgale, the '' new '' armament, etc., etc. However, it is my belief that no threat is realistic and not expected in the near future. Why? You may find the answer in this article, as long as there is enough education to teach reading, and of course patience.
Burning taiga.
Every year, large or smaller areas of taiga burn in Russia. The reason for this is malicious burning, '' accidental '' fires. However, in 2019 the area was very large. And to take it to specially designed teams that traveled thousands of kilometers back and forth, often in places where there was no road at all to burn forests - seems wrong. At the same time, there is a nuance that does not pay much attention. There are two ballistic missile landfills in Russia. In this case, the landfill is meant as a place for military training, target shooting, testing of new weaponry. Russia is unique because of its size, so it does not need to rocket out its territory like many other superpowers. There are two main launch sites - Murmansk Oblast and Vladivastok Oblast. Well, of course, "small" landfills throughout central Russia. As a result, all medium and long range ballistic missiles can also be tested quite secretly. But as is often the case, trials are not always successful. Last year was a good example of this in the Murmansk Oblast, where one such rocket exploded before launching, resulting in a small nuclear explosion that Russia very, very much wanted to hide, but failed. At the same time, it remains a mystery as to how many test rockets fall midway - the taiga, which triggers major forest fires. Since the area is sparsely populated, keeping it a secret is not that difficult. But there are thousands of stories about "anomalous" phenomena over taiga, UFO, falling "meteorites", completely "extinct" areas.
In 2014, Russia launched an offensive in Ukraine, and as a result, Russia was subjected to the Crimea, and war is still ongoing in eastern Ukraine. Now let's not talk about territorial and ethnic reality. It is about Russian capabilities. As we all know, things went a little wrong in Ukraine, and the military conflict was localized and its further development is practically impossible. In addition, economic sanctions against Russia have done their part. Any kind of participation in any military conflict requires very large financial resources. And Russia's multiple presence in front of the '' defolt '' only proves it. And yet .... And yet Russia has held on. How to? And here we have to look at the East, specifically China.
When Russia reached its peak in 2015, it seemed as if Russia's Putin regime had practically fallen. But nothing ... But it turned out that Russia had "leased" to China areas three to five times the size of the "returned" Crimea. China started massive logging, and now many areas of the Altai resemble Kazakh steppes. In 2016, for a moment, news came that China was concentrating troops at the Russian border. Most interestingly, it has never disappeared or been removed. It is even rumored that China has built bridges to half the Amur River in several places. Putin visits China more often than certain regions of his country. And ... Russia is normalizing its economy. Do not look at increasing sanctions, despite the fact that Russian hydrocarbon production is being bought for less, despite the gas pipeline fiasco. Therefore, it can be concluded that China is currently subsidizing Russia, taking Russian territories into consideration. I think that the US '' customs tariff '' war with China is not just what the media are superficially referring to. And the seizure of Russian territory by China is continuing. Even in Chuvashia, chuvash rebellion is taking place as local authorities give back to Chinese firms the largest plots of land in which China builds its own factories employing its own people, and the products of these factories are traded on the Chinese markets. As a result, the locals are forced out of their populated areas. In reality, there is a non-violent, economic occupation of Russian territory. And all this to put Putin in control, not to develop Russia. In addition, according to unofficial information, Russia has exported practically the entire war zone of the Far East, which by the way was one of the largest and most powerful military formations in the world. And that is understandable - it is no longer needed there, as the areas are all at the disposal of China. However, tanks and other military equipment from the area can now be found at the disposal of Ukrainian separatists.
Consequently, it is virtually a conclusion that there is no separate military threat from its eastern neighbor. With war in eastern Ukraine, Syria and now pledging aid to Iran, Russia has no means for another local military conflict. The question, and the problem with it, is in another - how safe is the little "suitcase" under Putin's control, and what will happen when China has completely "satisfied" its appetite in the Far East and stops giving Russia? Will the dwarf who is overwhelmed by schizophrenic paranoia be able to hold on to his psyche and not start ''pushing'' the buttons?
Here are the conspiracy theories this time.
How many truths are there? Let everyone decide according to their own understanding.
Thanks to those who were able to read this, who are able to express their thoughts in the comments.
And again thanks to thesupporters. Thanks to you, have an incentive to write new articles.