This will be an article about dog food and conspiracy theory around it.
I would like to say once again that this article is not an order and has not been paid for. That's just my personal opinion.
There is a well-known scandal in Latvia that DOGO dog food has caused a total megaesophagus (esophagus enlargement) epidemic. Now it has come to a halt, and it looks like the thirst for an epidemic is no longer there. Is it because Tukuma Straume has finished producing DOGO? No ... It all happened for some other reason.
The whole scandal coincided purely with the moment when '' someone '' accidentally 'wanted' to 'privatize' or buy Latvian grain processing companies. This scandal also slowed down, but the result of this scandal was the bankruptcy of the grain elevator in Daugavpils and some other related companies. Probably the 'Tukuma Straume' was on this list, but ... Well, nothing happened. If someone is wondering what is going on there, then I will answer - the world-wide riderism scheme - initially compromising the plant, reducing its price to a minimum, or even leading to bankruptcy, after which the company buys at very low prices. So here's the first stage of conspiracy.
To compromise '' Tukuma Straumi '', vets are used, who do not even know that they are being used unfairly. However, at the present moment they are the perpetrators, but the real scandalous builders have gone into the mist.
Now for the same dry feed. Many opposed me, saying yes, the disease is from DOGO. And to some extent, I agree with this statement, just say it '' ... yes, the disease is from the feed. '' without DOGO. When studying the sick, it turns out that they are basically living in cities, but if they are outside the city - the dogs have been kept either at the chain or in the cage, or in the backyard of the house. Basically, this disease affects German Shepherd dogs, Labrador, rottweilers. Species that is fundamentally quite lazy, and which must work rather than allow them to grow in self-flow. As far as dry food is concerned, this feed is not by default the dog's natural source of food. Such food is the invention of man to cultivate his laziness. Yes, maybe this food is full of minerals and nutrients. However, how it works. The dog basically feeds this food whole, especially without trying to chew it. Further, this feed comes into the dog's horizontal esophagus, which is long enough. The food goes down until the priest is fed into the esophagus. But if this dry food stays in the esophagus? It then begins to swell directly into the esophagus in its internal humidity, thereby forming '' pockets '', which in turn is the cause of further disease. In order to prevent this happening, the dog must move, as it is the movement of the esophagus and the release of food from it. No, you don't have to run, jump ... enough for normal movements, rickshaw. Look at what wolves do in the wild when they eat ... They rejoice and bang. What do you do for a city dog? Eat and go to bed. What eats a wolf? Meat! What does your city dog eat? For your inappropriate dry feed !. Who is to blame if the dog gets sick? DOGO? Not! You, in your laziness, have decided by default to have your pet suffering. And the DOGO feed has nothing to do with it.
Is there anyway? And you have to go to the absurd. Yes, DOGO feed has the most direct connection with this disease because it is dry food. Here, you need to focus on elementary marketing by departing from allegations. Fact of the matter is that DOGO dry food is the only available food Latvian by price. And massively available, as are sold in virtually every store, which can not be said about the other feeds to be purchased in specialized shops or Zoo veterinary pharmacies. Here's where the real cause is. Here's the whole 'conspiracy'.
To conclude. I've always had a dog. Basically, German Shepherd dogs, because it is my favorite species. And all of them have also eaten (!!!) dry food, but the latter eat only "Tukuma Straumes". However, there is someone ... Dry food for my dog is the same as for me biscuits - a nice addition to the daily meal, because the basic feed is natural to him. Second dog every day running around your heart's content, because not live in urban or suburban limits and is not connected to the chain, or trapped in a cage. And yet none of my dogs have even suspected megaophagus. There have been other ailments. As a living creature.
Here is my personal opinion. In all of these malignancies to blame in my opinion is the dog owners, who believe that a walk in a couple of hours in the morning and in the evening just as the dog is sufficient, and the rest of the time to sleep at the owner's feet. It even blame are those who in six fractions of their house in the yards of the opinion that large dogs are '' enough '' freedom much, but because they live in '' freedom '' ...
Hopefully, this conspiracy theory will turn into a logical explanation and will no longer be just a theory.
But it depends on us and the ability to logically think, rather than being sick of only one deliberately distributed one-sided setting.