Theory fifth – mathematics.
February 3, 2019 at 3:49 pm,
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Mathematics (Greek: mathematics - 'doctrine', 'knowledge') is the science of numerical relationships and spatial forms of the real world. [1] People who seek to understand and promote further mathematics are called mathematicians.
As you know, mathematics is an exact science and requires directness and precision in all its manifestations. At the same time, we know thousands of examples when we know exactly that mathematics is absurd and inexplicable. There is also the theory that our mathematics is absolutely inaccurate, and that is why we still have no ability to move in the galaxies.
Another conspiracy theory about the inaccuracy of mathematics is found in our country's economic accounts, in the accounts of state capital companies, in the State Revenue Service (SRS). Faced with them, our calculations will never match their calculations, but the rule of law in our country is that '' right '' math will always be for them.
The next absurdity of the same theory is the low level of knowledge of public accountants and accountants in their goverment capital companies. Whatever changes our legislators have to make, no matter how timely they are, the accountants in charge of all these institutions will never be able to calculate the changes in time. If tax or salary changes come into force on January 1, then with the guarantee these accountants will "correctly" calculate at best in March.
This is what is happening now with medical salaries, which, as of January 1 of this year, are increased by 20% by the Law passed by the Saeima and the resources found by the government. However, as it turns out, at least two state clinics will get the new salary at best in March, because the reason for this is quite banal - accountants do not understand how to calculate correctly, and for that reason they will not be able to calculate everything correctly until February. At these clinics, there are about ten people accountants and economists, and their offiss are equipped with computers, calculator and everything they need for work.
Where's the conspiracy here? Everything is elementary - there are countless controlling and supervising institutions in the country, but no one ... BUT NO ONE (!!!) does not see how public law is violated openly. In February, the medical will receive salaries that will be very low, because from the same January 1, the clinics are banning medical from working overtime. And what will happen? Total outflow of workers. Of course, the clinics have issued circulars (the only thing the clinic has to do with the board), all kinds of covered up their illegal activities. But it does not make their activity more legitimate. So why does it happen and to whom is it beneficial?
Members of the Saeima ask for the help of the people to defend the rule of law. However, none of these deputies even fingers to make this rule of law.