Theory in the second - snow and roads.
February 3, 2019 at 3:43 pm,
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There are four seasons in Latvia. The calendar year begins and ends with the winter. But if there is winter, it is also snow. Of course, if you believe in some other conspiracy theory that says '' global warming is causing climate change, as a result, the planet is warming ... '', snow periods in Latvia are becoming shorter. However, despite everything - they are still there. Many will ask - but where is the conspiracy?
There is definitely no conspiracy on its own as a whole. Rather, there is corruption, scheming, criminal activity. Latvian roads and road construction are by far the most criminal and affair-rich sector followed by real estate construction and other industries. However, as the law enforcement authorities do not 'see' all of this crime, they cannot be proven to date, so all the doors open to conspiracy theory.
So snow. Snow roads make it difficult to leave, make emergency situations. For this to happen, there are organizations entrusted with winter care. The state roads are followed by LRM (Latvian Road Maintenance), municipal road maintenance is a problem of a particular county and city, and bridges in turn fall under the custody of '' Latvian Bridge ''. Plus all private companies are outsourced. And here starts...
Every year already in August and September, all responsible institutions and organizations report to the media and the public that "winter ready", but as soon as winter comes, it turns out to be "coming" without waiting. End of October, November, when the first islands appear, but there is no snow yet, in Latvia, the "salting" road begins. This is a process where road keepers do not need to shave salt-sand mixtures or need to pass roads with salt solution without special need. Often in such quantities that asphalt becomes white. The result is damage to the pavement itself, cars, pedestrian footwear, the surrounding green area, trees. But in January, February, when the snow comes out, all 'road cleaning' works stop. The city streets are not accessible and inexhaustible. There is no road maintenance technique on the roads. However, with the start of spring, when the snow melts naturally, reports by municipalities and public authorities begin on how much spent and most importantly - overdrawn !!!. And everything is fine, because no controlling authority sees any violations, even though most Latvian residents regularly complain about the unclean roads throughout the winter. It even reports to the media. What's more, this is illustrated by the high number of accidents and the nature of these accidents. But ... All is in the best order. Hence, the theory of conspiracy, because the truth does not correspond to the TRUTH.
Spring. There is almost the long length of gravel roads in Latvia. In the winter, the unpolluted snow, which melts in the spring sun, gravel roads '' bite '' and are once again inexhaustible. Some of these roads are even officially closed. The problem is known to everyone, but nothing is done to keep these problems out. The same thing happens with asphalted roads, which at the beginning of salting, after the cleaning, start to crack and shrink. OK, the holes are '' blocked ''. From year to year, the road has become even worse than the gravel road, although in all maps and documents they are marked as 'black' pavement roads.
Unofficially, which is known by a large part of the population, but not by law enforcement and control institutions, it is clear that the real significance of roads in Latvia is money laundering. In Latvia, 1m2 of black pavement costs over almost half as much as in many other EU countries, but the road condition is seven times worse ...
The scheme is as poor as the first-class math task. A particular customer orders the repair of a road section. The road construction company doubles the estimate, which is 'officially' going through all the labyrinths of the procurement, and where no 'controlling' nothing sees it again. When a subscriber pays an estimate, the '' priced '' portion of the donation returns to the customer's 'custody' party's cash desk, but another small part goes through the various '' consultative '' companies into the accounts of the closest relatives of the customer. And nobody does anything, because after the papers everything is 100% in order. No one is scared, or really scattered on the roads, all of the indicated amounts of salt are wasted. No one controls how many miles '' '' of the road cleaner, and how much fuel it has spent, even though it's easier to control. No one controls how many times a year gravel roads are graded and at all. No one has any interest in why 1m2 of black pavement is so expensive in Latvia, and why it is not able to hold quality on the road for five years ... But everything is in order. Also, the bills of the political parties are all right. And nothing for anything. In accounting, everything is fine, a pit on the road, snow and ice on the roads. FULL ORDER. There is only one question - why is it seen by all, but not controlling and law enforcement agencies. Maybe because there is no signal from the US or the EU, as was the case with money laundering over in Latvian banks.
In addition to everything, the basis for conspiracy theory is other issues. For example, why are the "old" government and parliament representatives at the head of LRM and LSR? Why do some roadworks companies win 'tendering' tenders in municipalities with heads of a particular political party. Here's the whole conspiracy theory.